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300MICRONS GmbH, founded in 2015 as a spin-off from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), is biotech company with its headquarters in Karlsruhe. The company specializes in providing cutting-edge solutions for 3D cell culture, targeting academic, clinical, and industrial research applications. Leveraging advanced microsystem technologies, 300MICRONS develops products that revolutionize cell culture for fields such as tissue engineering, cancer research, and drug discovery. The core technology of 300MICRONS revolves around the development of microcavity and microwell arrays made from polymer films, designed to support the cultivation and manipulation of cells in 3D environments. These platforms are highly customizable to accommodate various cell types, and they enable studies in cellular behavior, drug testing, and organ-on-chip applications. The company's products are used extensively in high-content imaging, screening assays, and biological studies where precision and scalability are critical. One of the standout innovations by 300MICRONS is the development of microbioreactors and dynamic systems, such as the microsystem platforms used for high-throughput screening. Furthermore, the company offers OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) solutions, enabling clients to integrate 300MICRONS' cell culture platforms into their own systems.

Biotech CompaniesContract Manufacturing/OEM, Contract Research & Development, Cells/Cell Lines, Tissue Engineering/Regenerative Medicine, Laboratory Supplies/Reagents

Further information on the websites of BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg:

Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/research-institutions/details