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Idana AG

We develop Idana - intelligent digital anamnesis. Idana professionally gathers medical history and enables automatic follow-ups from home. Idana is a cloud-based SaaS solution for healthcare providers (doctors, practices, clinics) and researchers.

Idana gathers the medical history of patients using digital questionnaires. Idana is supplied with unique professional medical questionnaires developed in-house by physicians and evaluated by experienced doctors. With Idana, we want to enable a specific medical history assessment for most common conditions and a follow-up for chronic disease management.

The questionnaires can either be filled out on tablets provided by the institution in the waiting room, or by sending the patient an e-mail with instructions for home fill-out. Using Idana, doctors get a detailed overview about the patient’s complaints and relevant background information without spending any time and before they meet the patient. They save time by automatic documentation. Patients profit from personalized treatment and improved communication.

Idana combines cloud technology and data protection by using end-to-end-encryption. By delivering a tool for structured assessment of data about the medical history, innovative analytics for healthcare are offered by correlating data of the medical history.

Medtech CompanieseHealth/Telemedicine

Further information on the websites of BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg:

Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/research-institutions/details