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3mach GmbH

3mach GmbH is a certified medical engineering company based in Rangendingen, Germany. Specializing in the development, production and distribution of components for medical instrument reprocessing and logistics, 3mach offers practical, economical and technical solutions in the field of hygiene technology. Since its foundation in 2003, the company's focus has been on optimizing the reprocessing of medical products. The aim is to improve existing processes, develop innovative connection and cleaning systems for instruments and offer customized system solutions. 3mach attaches particular importance to the reprocessability of products and the promotion of mobility. As a quality brand, 3mach stands for innovation and reliability. The company meets the challenges posed by increasing cost pressure, changing regulations and growing requirements with advanced solutions (Made in Germany). Under the motto “3mach does more”, the GmbH has developed into one of the leading suppliers of hygiene and medical products. In view of the increasing hygiene risks worldwide - both in the medical and commercial sectors - 3mach is striving to make advacing progress. Future research projects will focus on the development of cost-effective diagnostic products for instrument cleaning and innovative methods for analyzing surface contamination.

Medtech CompaniesHygiene/Sterilisation & Protection Equipment
Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/details