Event - 01/10/2024 Lunch & Learn: BW-UK Health Industry Procurement - Building Bridges for Better Healthcare Online, Registration deadline: 30/09/2024, Informationsveranstaltung https://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/past-events/lunch-und-learn-bw-uk-health-industry-procurement-building-bridges-better-healthcare
The start of a transnational cooperation for a future of sustainable healthcare - 25/07/2024 BIOPRO is a sustainability partner in the EU HACK-IT-NET project The HACK-IT-NET (“Health And Care Knowledge and Innovation Transfer NETwork”) project aims to provide holistic and seamless healthcare for all patients in the Alpine region. The project, which was launched in July 2024 and will run for three years, aims to bring together stakeholders in the healthcare sector to create a forward-looking healthcare ecosystem in the Alpine region. BIOPRO is a partner.https://www.bio-pro.de/en/information/press-release/biopro-sustainability-partner-eu-hack-it-net-project
Press release - 24/04/2024 Strengthening the healthcare sector in the state: BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg networks itself strategically at a European level BIOPRO has been supporting Baden-Württemberg as a healthcare location for many years and provides important incentives for its further development. The state company has been a member of the Council of European Bioregions (CEBR) network since April 2024. Within the CEBR, BIOPRO aims to network with European cooperation partners in order to provide even better support for the innovative capacity of the healthcare industry in Baden-Württemberg.https://www.bio-pro.de/en/information/press-release/strengthening-healthcare-sector-state-biopro-baden-wuerttemberg-networks-itself-strategically-european-level
Climate protection and sustainability in hospitals - 09/11/2022 Sustainable activities in the healthcare sector The healthcare sector is not only facing major challenges in dealing with the consequences of climate change on human health, but it also needs to make a concrete contribution to reducing its own greenhouse gas emissions. Analyses show there are many opportunities to make medical care more sustainable, especially in hospitals’ daily routines. This is where the Heidelberg University Hospital and the viamedica foundation from Freiburg come in.https://www.bio-pro.de/en/activities/biological-transformation/aktuelles/sustainable-activities-healthcare-sector