Event - 16/11/2022 Networking Evening | Baden-Württemberg meets United Kingdom MEDICA Trade Fair, Joint Baden-Württemberg Booth, Hall 15/ Booth K16, Networking event https://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/past-events/networking-evening-baden-wuerttemberg-meets-united-kingdom
Press release - 23/09/2022 Phytopharmaceuticals and valuable plant ingredients - opportunities for industry and agriculture in Baden-Württemberg The "Phytopharmaceuticals and Valuable Plant Ingredients" initiative aims to make the key economic issue of phytopharmaceuticals more visible in Baden-Württemberg in order to gain a better understanding of the challenges and needs of the state’s pharmaceutical industry. The overall goal is to strengthen the use of secondary plant ingredients in valuable products and build on this to develop opportunities for Baden-Württemberg…https://www.bio-pro.de/en/information/press-release/phytopharmaceuticals-and-valuable-plant-ingredients-opportunities-industry-and-agriculture-baden-wuerttemberg
Press release - 31/03/2023 Simulation of Miscanthus- and Sorghum-based resilient value chains in the Danube Region Can the value chains in the Danube macro-region be more sustainable and resilient against disruptions such as pandemics? How modelling could help to simulate the economic viability of developing Miscanthus and Sorghum based value chains in that region?https://www.bio-pro.de/en/information/press-release/simulation-miscanthus-and-sorghum-based-resilient-value-chains-danube-region
Event - 02/03/2023 Lunch & Learn Greener NHS: UK´s roadmap to more sustainability in the health system Online, Registration deadline: 01/03/2023, Information Event https://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/lunch-learn-greener-nhs-uk-s-roadmap-more-sustainability-health-system
Networking event with 1:1 meetings - 11/05/2023 - 12/05/2023 Meet & Match Future Medicine Online, Registration deadline: 09/05/2023, Meet & Match https://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/meet-match-future-medicine
Event - 07/03/2023 UK – Germany Bilateral: Collaborative R&D Funding for Innovation Online, Registration deadline: 06/03/2023, Informationsveranstaltung https://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/uk-germany-bilateral-collaborative-rd-funding-innovation
Event - 24/10/2023 Meet & Match - Hospital of the future Cubex One in Mannheim, Registration deadline: 23/10/2023, Meet & Match https://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/past-events/meet-und-match-hospital-future
Overview The Phytopharmaceuticals and Valuable Plant Ingredients initiative The Phytopharmaceuticals and Valuable Plant Ingredients initiative aims to further develop phytopharmaceuticals and valuable plant ingredients in Baden-Württemberg.https://www.bio-pro.de/en/projects/current-projects/phytopharmaceuticals-and-valuable-plant-ingredients-initiative
Overview Press release was not found https://www.bio-pro.de/en/information/press-release/press-release-was-not-found
Baden-Württemberg receives the EU Commission's "Regional Innovation Valley" label - 01/07/2024 Customised healthcare for all: BIOPRO is a partner in the EU project PRECISEU The EU research project PRECISEU, which started in June 2024 and will run for five years, aims to connect innovation ecosystems across Europe and advance personalised medicine throughout Europe. BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg is one of 25 partner organisations from 11 European countries that are working on the further development of customised healthcare as part of the research project.https://www.bio-pro.de/en/information/press-release/customised-healthcare-all-biopro-partner-eu-project-preciseu
Press release - 24/04/2024 Strengthening the healthcare sector in the state: BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg networks itself strategically at a European level BIOPRO has been supporting Baden-Württemberg as a healthcare location for many years and provides important incentives for its further development. The state company has been a member of the Council of European Bioregions (CEBR) network since April 2024. Within the CEBR, BIOPRO aims to network with European cooperation partners in order to provide even better support for the innovative capacity of the healthcare industry in Baden-Württemberg.https://www.bio-pro.de/en/information/press-release/strengthening-healthcare-sector-state-biopro-baden-wuerttemberg-networks-itself-strategically-european-level
The start of a transnational cooperation for a future of sustainable healthcare - 25/07/2024 BIOPRO is a sustainability partner in the EU HACK-IT-NET project The HACK-IT-NET (“Health And Care Knowledge and Innovation Transfer NETwork”) project aims to provide holistic and seamless healthcare for all patients in the Alpine region. The project, which was launched in July 2024 and will run for three years, aims to bring together stakeholders in the healthcare sector to create a forward-looking healthcare ecosystem in the Alpine region. BIOPRO is a partner.https://www.bio-pro.de/en/information/press-release/biopro-sustainability-partner-eu-hack-it-net-project
Event - 15/11/2023 Networking Evening | Baden-Württemberg meets United Kingdom 2023 Medica trade fair, Baden-Württemberg joint booth K16, Hall 15, Messe https://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/past-events/networking-evening-baden-wuerttemberg-meets-united-kingdom-2023
The Contact Point for the healthcare industry regarding regulatory affairs Anlaufstelle Regulatorik Gesundheitswirtschaft BW https://www.bio-pro.de/en/activities/anlaufstelle-regulatorik-gesundheitswirtschaft-bw
Funding Funding of the German Federal Environmental Foundation Funding programme, Funded by: DBUhttps://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/funding/funding-of-the-german-federal-environmental-foundation
Funding Life? – A Fresh Scientific Approach to the Basic Principles of Life Funding programme, Funded by: VolkswagenStiftunghttps://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/funding/life-a-fresh-scientific-approach-to-the-basic-principles-of-life
Funding Future Insight Prize Funding programme, Funded by: Merck KGaA, sb_search.searchresult.label.programSubmissionDate: 31/12/2022 https://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/funding/future-insight-prize
Funding Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs Scholarship, Funded by: EUhttps://www.bio-pro.de/en/service/funding/erasmus-for-young-entrepreneurs
Save the date - 05/12/2017 Phytopharma Day Stuttgart, Meet & Match https://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/past-events/phytopharma-day