Press release - 05/10/2022 Flood protection during rain events, cooling of buildings and urban spaces during heat waves The glass facade of a high-rise building can get so hot that you can fry eggs on it – a major factor in the overheating of our cities. At the same time, flood events such as torrential monsoon rains cause billions of dollars of damage annually. On October 4, 2022, a solution to both problems was presented at the University of Stuttgart.
Press release - 23/09/2022 Phytopharmaceuticals and valuable plant ingredients - opportunities for industry and agriculture in Baden-Württemberg The "Phytopharmaceuticals and Valuable Plant Ingredients" initiative aims to make the key economic issue of phytopharmaceuticals more visible in Baden-Württemberg in order to gain a better understanding of the challenges and needs of the state’s pharmaceutical industry. The overall goal is to strengthen the use of secondary plant ingredients in valuable products and build on this to develop opportunities for Baden-Württemberg…
Funding Regulations governing the funding of international collaborative projects under the National Bioeconomy Strategy “Bioeconomy International 2022" Funding programme, Funded by: BMBF, sb_search.searchresult.label.programSubmissionDate: 14/12/2022
Press release - 22/06/2022 Concluding conference of the ARDIA-Net Interreg project On May 11, the concluding conference of the ARDIA-Net Interreg project took place with 18 in-person attendees in Milan and 18 online participants. The programme for the half-day event included presentations and two panels on the project results as well as discussions on further cross-regional cooperation.
Funding NextGenMicrofluidics Funding programme, Funded by: JOSNNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, sb_search.searchresult.label.programSubmissionDate: 30/09/2023
Event - 19/05/2022 Lunch & Learn Market Access and Opportunities for Medtech Companies in the United Kingdom and Germany Online, Information event
Event - 14/12/2022 - 15/12/2022 Meet & Match Cell and Gene Therapy Online, Meet & Match
Funding Venture Center of Excellence Funding programme, Funded by: EIT Health e.V. und European Investment Fund (EIF), sb_search.searchresult.label.programSubmissionDate: 31/12/2024
Press release - 03/12/2021 ARDIA-Net preliminary results presented in the Kick-Off Conference of Interreg Alpine Space 2021-27 The Kick-Off Conference of the new Interreg Alpine Space programme, which gathered more than 300 attendees, was organized by the Joint Secretariat in Salzburg and held online due to the COVID-19 restrictions established by the Austrian Government days previous to the celebration. It consisted of a two half-day programme (22nd and 23rd of November) under the motto “Let’s change our altitude”.
Funding Digital Europe Programme Funding programme, Funded by: European Commission, sb_search.searchresult.label.programSubmissionDate: 31/12/2027
BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg Biological Transformation
Funding EU4Health- Programme Funding programme, Funded by: European Union, sb_search.searchresult.label.programSubmissionDate: 31/12/2027
Translation in university medicine Baden-Württemberg-Center for Academic Drug Discovery Die BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg begleitet in den Jahren 2021 und 2022 die Gründung des "Baden-Württemberg-Center for Academic Drug Discovery" (BWCAD2).
20th Anniversary - 05/07/2022 Best of Meet & Match Strasbourg, France, Meet & Match
Funding Horizone Europe Funding programme, Funded by: European Union, sb_search.searchresult.label.programSubmissionDate: 31/12/2027
Together for a healthier living Forum Health Region Baden-Württemberg
Final chord of the EU-project Smart SMEs - 31/05/2021 Building a sustainable network for natural fibre-based SMEs in the Alpine Space The European project Smart SMEs came successfully to its end in May 2021 with the final conference, which attracted participants from different parts of Europe.
Digitalisation of the healthcare system Photon-Counting (PC)-CT Consortium Installing the next digital generation of computed tomography at various Baden-Württemberg medical centres (PC3)
Pooling competencies MDR & IVDR Competence Centre BW (MIK)
BIOPRO is the central point of contact for all matters relating to the life sciences General Projects