Press release - 07/08/2023 Vegan trend in Europe: In Germany, milk substitutes from plants are most popular alternative Germany has the most active market, Southern Europe wants more variety, and people in Poland find dairy substitutes too expensive, according to a recent study by the University of Hohenheim.
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Project BlindZero - 03/08/2023 Hope for patients with eye diseases: human cornea from 3D printers Thousands of cornea transplants are performed every year. However, donors are rare and the procedure is not always without complications. Researchers at the University of Heidelberg are developing an innovative technique in the project BlindZero. It involves ‘printing’ human corneas directly onto patients’ eyes using 3D bioprinting. The reprogrammed genetically engineered cells used for this purpose are not expected to cause a rejection reaction.
Press release - 02/08/2023 Freiburg research team casts light on signal-dependent formation of mitochondria Known as the power plant of the cell, mitochondria are essential to human metabolism. Human mitochondria consist of 1,300 different proteins and two fatty biomembranes. The vast majority of mitochondrial proteins are produced with a cleavable transport signal and have to be actively transported into the mitochondria.
Press release - 27/07/2023 Self-healing plastic becomes biodegradable Konstanz chemists develop mineral plastics with numerous positive properties from sustainable basic building blocks and, together with biologists, demonstrate the material's excellent microbiological degradability.
Press release - 27/07/2023 Materials Research: Biocatalytic Foams of Tremendous Stability and Activity Industrial biocatalysis with enzymes is deemed to be a “game changer” in the development of a sustainable chemical industry. Enzymes can be used to synthesize an impressive range of complex molecules. Researchers of KIT have now developed a new class of materials by producing enzyme foams of tremendous stability and activity. The researchers have already filed a patent application on the process to produce enzyme foams.
NeuroQ project - 26/07/2023 Quantum sensors for exoskeletons: can quantum physics beat paralysis? Could people suddenly be able to move again decades after being paralysed? State-of-the-art quantum sensors integrated in exoskeletons could make this possible. Technology being developed as part of the BMBF-funded NeuroQ beacon project by researchers from organisations including the Fraunhofer IAF, the Charité in Berlin and the University of Stuttgart might achieve even more: besides facilitating movement, it could also help cure paralysis.
Press release - 25/07/2023 Glyphosate impairs learning in bumblebees What impacts do agrochemicals have on the ongoing global insect decline? Biologists at the University of Konstanz have found out that aversive learning is impaired in bumblebees exposed to glyphosate. Their study is published in the journal Science of the Total Environment.
Press release - 25/07/2023 Green Genetic Engineering: Making Mendel’s Dream Come True with Molecular Scissors Molecular biologist Professor Holger Puchta from KIT is granted funding within a Reinhart Koselleck Project by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for work on specific restructuring of plant genomes. Puchta, a pioneer of green genetic engineering, has used molecular scissors in plants for 30 years now. His new project is aimed at using the CRISPR/Cas method to freely combine genes in crops, thus making Gregor Mendel’s dream come true.
Press release - 21/07/2023 Biosurfactants might offer an environmentally friendly solution for tackling oil spills Can biosurfactants increase microbiological oil degradation in North Sea seawater? An international research team from the universities of Stuttgart und Tübingen, together with the China West Normal University and the University of Georgia, have been exploring this question and the results have revealed the potential for a more effective and environmentally friendly oil spill response.
Press release - 20/07/2023 Animal testing under REACH: bringing numbers into the debate So far, 4.2 million animal tests under the REACH chemical regulation: A study from Konstanz and Baltimore quantifies the number of animals that died for the hazard assessment of chemicals in the chemical industry.
Press release - 20/07/2023 Anal Cancer Screening: New Microbiome-Associated Biomarkers Could Improve Prevention A new study published in Nature Medicine, July 2023 has identified two novel markers for screening high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL), a precursor to anal cancer, from the anal microbiome of people with HIV (PWH). PWH are at a significantly higher risk of developing anal cancer. Current screening methods, such as anal cytology, have low specificity for detecting HSIL, which hinders the prevention of anal cancer.
Tumour organoids facilitate drug discovery - 20/07/2023 Drug screening for children with cancer using patient-specific miniature tumours Standard drugs often don’t work in children and adolescents with recurrent cancer. Researchers from the Hopp Children's Tumour Centre (KITZ) and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg have been looking to open up new therapy options for those affected, and have cultivated individual miniature tumours from biopsy samples to test the effectiveness of a variety of drugs within a few weeks.
Press release - 18/07/2023 National Research Center for cutting-edge AI research in Tübingen celebrates inception On Tuesday, July 18, 2023, the Tübingen AI Center held a symposium to celebrate its permanent establishment as a national AI center. Since July 1, 2022, it has received 20 million euros a year in funding from the federal government and the state.
Press release - 18/07/2023 Robotically manufactured timber construction as a model for resource-efficient construction As the world's population continues to grow, the construction industry faces the challenge of using fewer resources and switching to sustainable materials. Scientists from the Universities of Stuttgart and Freiburg are developing new interdisciplinary approaches to construction for the future.
Press release - 13/07/2023 Intelligent rubber materials Wearable medical devices, such as soft exoskeletons that provide support for stroke patients or controlled drug delivery patches, have to be made of materials that can adapt intelligently and autonomously to the wearer's movements and to changing environmental conditions. These are the type of autonomously switchable polymer materials that have recently been developed by researchers at the University of Stuttgart and the University of…
Event - 24/10/2023 Meet & Match - Hospital of the future Cubex One in Mannheim, Registration deadline: 23/10/2023, Meet & Match
Press release - 12/07/2023 Danger for the world's oceans and biodiversity Insightful study with participation from the University of Konstanz warns of human-induced impacts on the marine ecosystem.
Press release - 12/07/2023 Mast cells as a sensor: Enigmatic immune cells help to avoid harmful allergens The function of mast cells, which are part of the immune system, is still a mystery. Scientists at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) have now shown in mice: mast cells function as a sensor that signals the animals to avoid antigens, including harmful allergens, and thereby protect themselves from health-threatening inflammatory reactions. The findings were published in the journal Nature.