Health Data Scenarios
Shaping the future of health data
Data generated by the healthcare system has enormous potential for improving the quality of patient-centered care. As part of the Health Data Scenarios project, Basel Area Business & Innovation worked with numerous experts from industry and academia in 2020 to develop ten scenarios of what future health data ecosystems could look like. These scenarios were being discussed and validated together with experts and opinion leaders from Baden-Württemberg and Switzerland. BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg was providing support as a project partner.
Pooling competencies – pushing innovations. The use of data, whether from research and development, the healthcare industry or healthcare provision, can lead to a wide range of innovations in the healthcare system that will benefit patients. Access, exchange, use and networking of this data are an important prerequisite. All players in the healthcare system need to work together to push this forward. This includes patients, healthcare providers, payers, technology providers, life sciences companies and research institutes.
Together with a consortium of experts and opinion leaders from Baden-Württemberg and Switzerland, the Health Data Scenarios that were developed in 2020 were scrutinised as part of a transnational dialogue and the challenges analysed in order to define measures that contribute to a sustainable data ecosystem.
In 2021, three workshops looked into the scenarios from different points of view: Life Sciences, Research and Big Tech (1st Workshop), Healthcare Providers and Payers (2nd Workshop) and Start-ups, Investors and Health Tech (3rd Workshop).
This was followed in 2022 by three further workshops to identify specific challenges and a gap analysis to show where action is needed.
- Workshop 1: Challenges Facing the Health Data Future
- Workshop 2: Innovation Gaps in the future of health
- Workshop 3: Validate the gaps to be identified in solutions
In 2023, a ten-day DayOne Health Hack was held to develop projects around the topic of Data Future that can solve various challenges, such as access to and interoperability of health information, data security, the implementation of digital tools, and the involvement and empowerment of patients.
The "Health Data Futures" project brought together many different stakeholders from various healthcare systems. Through this collaboration, trust between partners and participants has grown over the three years of collaboration, resulting in various ideas focussed on patients being available at the end of the project.