Transnational networking of innovation ecosystems
HACK-IT-NET - enabling an alpine region Health And Care Knowledge and Innovation Transfer NETwork
Improving health and care in the Alpine region – that is the aim of the HACK-IT-NET project, short for ‘Health And Care Knowledge and Innovation Transfer NETwork’. With the establishment of a multi-stakeholder community in the Alpine region, the competencies of the players in the health and care sector are being pooled to create a forward-looking health and care ecosystem in the Alpine Space.
To establish effective and patient-centered healthcare and thus strengthen their future viability, close cooperation between all stakeholders and the transfer of innovation into health and care structures is essential. As part of HACK-IT-NET, a network of stakeholders in the health and care system is established across national borders to create a transnational multi-stakeholder community in the Alpine region. The aim is to implement forward-looking, sustainable and digital innovations, in healthcare.
The project pursues the overarching goal of developing, testing and implementing a framework for the transfer of innovation in the health and care sector in the long term, thereby reducing barriers such as demographic differences. In addition, the project contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – with a particular focus on SDG 3 ‘Health and Wellbeing’ and SDG 9 ‘Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure’. In accordance with Programme Priority 3 ‘Innovation and digitalisation supporting a green Alpine region’ of the INTERREG Alpine Space Programme, two thematic areas are of particular importance here:
- strengthening the transfer of innovation between stakeholders in the health and care ecosystem in the Alpine region
- the creation of a digital and green health and care ecosystem in the Alpine Space
Focus of the project:
- Establishment of a transsectoral and transnational network to analyse the existing health and care challenges in the Alpine Space and the joint development of (digital) tools to address these challenges (work package 1)
- Transfer of innovation as part of pilot projects (work package 2)
- Long-term anchoring and transfer of the developed solutions and identification of political options for action (work package 3)
The project consortium
Nine organisations from six countries are working together in the HACK-IT-NET consortium. In addition to Germany, Italy, Austria, France, Switzerland and Slovenia are also represented. In addition to BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg, a state agency for the healthcare industry, the partners also include a local and two regional authorities, a university, a university of applied sciences, a university hospital and two healthcare innovation clusters.
The multi-sectoral composition of the consortium makes it possible to address all the players required for a multi-stakeholder community in the Alpine Space – such as health and care workers, patients, entrepreneurs in the healthcare industry and representatives from administration and politics – and to improve the general conditions for health and care in the Alpine region across all sectors.
The role of BIOPRO in the HACK-IT-NET project
BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg will contribute its expertise in the field of sustainability and transformation of the healthcare ecosystem and ensure that the topics of ‘impact and sustainability’ are implemented throughout the project, as well as organising events and workshops for knowledge transfer.
As an INTERREG project, HACK-IT-NET offers the ideal framework for sensitizing the health and care sector at EU level to the relevance and necessity of sustainable development, providing impetus as well as highlighting the potential and benefits of forward-looking innovations.
Pilot project of BIOPRO
Driving change: a roadshow raises awareness and networks
Increasing heat stress due to rising temperatures, extreme weather events or the spread of infectious diseases – climate change poses major challenges for the healthcare sector. At the same time, the healthcare sector is responsible for the emission of greenhouse gases: according to a study by Health Care Without Harm, it accounts for 5.2 percent of net emissions in Germany. A large proportion of this comes from the supply chain. Thus, stakeholders must be sensitized to the responsibility that each individual player along the healthcare value chain bears. As part of a roadshow, BIOPRO will raise awareness of sustainability and the impact of climate change in the healthcare sector. Informative and interactive formats will bring together stakeholders from healthcare, science and business sector and present sustainable innovations and best practices from the region, to inspire and motivate healthcare stakeholders to implement sustainable concepts. The roadshow will therefore not only highlight existing sustainable solutions, but also strengthen collaboration along the healthcare value chain. Our aim: driving forward a sustainable transformation of the healthcare sector by raising awareness, sharing knowledge, networking and generating ideas.
Project acronym: HACK-IT-NET – enabling an Alpine region Health And Care Knowledge and Innovation Transfer NETwork
Project ID: ASP0500442
Funding: The HACK-IT-NET project is co-financed by the European Union as part of the INTERREG Alpine Space programme.
Programme Priority: Priority 3 – Innovation and digitalisation supporting a green Alpine region
Specific objective: Objective 3.1 – Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies
Budget: € 2,512,137.88
EU contribution: € 1,678,500.35
Budget BIOPRO: € 265,585.44
Coordinator: Local Health Authority Veneto Region (ProMIS)
Projekt duration: 1st July 2024 to 30th June 2027
Press release
Holistic and seamless healthcare for all patients in the Alpine region - that is the aim of the HACK-IT-NET project, short for “Health And Care Knowledge and Innovation Transfer NETwork”. The project, which was launched in July 2024 and which will run for three years, aims to build a multi-stakeholder community in the Alpine region in order to bundle the work of healthcare stakeholders and create a forward-looking healthcare ecosystem in the Alpine region.