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Together for a healthier living

Forum Health Region Baden-Württemberg

The Forum Health Region Baden-Württemberg currently brings together around 600 stakeholders from companies, universities, research institutions and healthcare providers. They are all pursuing the goal of further developing Baden-Württemberg as a healthcare location. This strategic process with the support of the state government aims for Baden-Württemberg to become the leading location for medical research, the development and manufacture of medical products and the provision of modern and innovative healthcare. To this end, the "Forum Health Region Baden-Württemberg" is funding a wide variety of innovative projects in the fields of health research, health economy and healthcare provision.

Three thematic blocks have been defined for the topics to be addressed in the Forum Health Region, each of which is being worked on under the leadership of a ministry: The Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration is responsible for the development of efficient and quality-oriented structures in health care. The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism is responsible for application-oriented research as well as innovation, value creation and employment in the healthcare industry. The Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts is responsible for science and research.

BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH acts as a coordination and business office for the Forum. In addition, an interministerial working group was established at operational level under the leadership of the State Ministry and with the participation of the Ministry of Science, the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Social Affairs and BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH in order to coordinate the overall work of the Forum Health Region Baden-Württemberg.

Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/projects/current-projects/forum-health-region-baden-wuerttemberg