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Joining forces

Alliance for sustainable medical technology

Current environmental and climate-related challenges as well as legal framework conditions call for the the establishment of a sustainable healthcare industry and healthcare system. But why face the challenges alone? BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg, BIOVOX Connect - The Network for Sustainable Medical Technology and Bayern Innovativ have joined forces across federal state borders to form the "Alliance for Sustainable Medical Technology" and are working together to promote the sustainable development of the healthcare sector in Germany. The KOMATRA competence centre is an associated partner.

Online events: Strong together

Every first Friday of the month from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., the Alliance partners organise an online event (in German) on topics relating to a more sustainable medical technology. Here you can get specific information, share experiences and develop ideas. To get us in the mood for the respective topic, we start with keynote speeches, followed by lively discussions.

The events are for...
...anyone looking for inspiration and fellow campaigners.
...companies that see sustainability as an opportunity.
...clinics striving for a sustainable future.
...all those who want to strengthen sustainable medical technology and network.

Why sustainability in medical technology?

Climate change affects the healthcare sector in two ways: its consequences lead to an increased burden on the healthcare system. At the same time, according to a study by Health Care Without Harm, the healthcare sector is responsible for 5.2 per cent of climate-damaging emissions in Germany. Of these, around 71 per cent are attributable to Scope 3, i.e. emissions that arise from the manufacture and transport of medicines and medical technology products, among other things.

Germany aims to be climate-neutral by 2045; by 2030, emissions are to be reduced by 65 per cent compared to 1990. And the 125th German Medical Assembly in 2021 called for the necessary measures for a climate-neutral healthcare system to be implemented by 2030.

As a result, the legal requirements for sustainable development are increasing: the Supply Chain Sustainability Act (LkSG) is intended to oblige companies to respect human rights and environmental protection. The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) expands the requirements for sustainability reporting. There are also other requirements, such as the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act and the Packaging Act.

"A sustainable and closed-loop-oriented transformation can only succeed through close cross-industry cooperation. The aim of the Alliance for Sustainable Medical Technology is to jointly develop innovative ideas and strengthen the systemic networking of stakeholders. For a better future without compromising the quality of patient care."

Dr. Barbara Jonischkeit und Dr. Claudia Luther, Geschäftsführung, BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg

Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/projects/current-projects/alliance-sustainable-medical-technology