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Phytopharma Day


09.30 am - 04.30 pm
Participation is for free
Literaturhaus Stuttgart
Breitscheidstr. 4
70174 Stuttgart
Meet & Match
Target group
Representatives (e.g. CEO, R&D, Business Development) and Cluster manager related to collection/cultivation of medicinal plants, phytopharmaceuticals, natural cosmetics, dietary supplements as well as scientists from applied research organisations
BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH,
DanuBioValNet, a project co-funded by the European Union (ERDF, IPA)
Dr. Ursula Göttert
EU-Projekt DanuBioValNet
Phone: +49 (0)711 218185-18
E-mail: goettert(at)bio-pro.de

Phytopharmaceuticals and natural cosmetics are an important economic pillar in Europe and gain increasing attention. Data collected by the German Pharmaceutical Industry Association (BPI) make Germany the leader in phytopharmaceutical production in the EU.

With our event “Phytopharma Day – Fostering transnational cooperation in the Danube Region” we are providing the opportunity to connect you with key stakeholders along the phytopharmaceutical value chain in the Danube Region. Themes on the Program will be the cultivation/collection of the raw material, the processing towards the final product and eventually sustainable bio-based packaging of your product.

The Phytopharma Day will be the very first occasion where you can discuss and share ideas with experts at every value-adding step along the value chain in the Danube Region. We will listen to high-class speakers, discussing the World and European market and learn about best practices from established companies working at different steps of the value chain. To efficiently interact with potential partners, a Meet&Match will be organised after the lectures, where you can share project ideas. Cluster managers and companies throughout the whole Danube Region will get the possibility to connect transnationally.

Potentials of Danube Region and perspectives

The Danube Region with its rich cultural and ecological diversity offers high potential for cross-sectoral and transnational cooperation. Good and sustainable cooperation will support the regional development by diversifying the local economy and creating new employment opportunities. The development of new bio-based value chains from primary production to consumer markets needs to be done by connecting enterprises from different regions and industries.

Preliminary program

9.30am Registration
10.00am  Welcome address
  Prof. Dr. Ralf Kindervater, BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH
  Prof. Dr. Rainer Luick, Anja zur Loyé, Hochschule für Forstwissenschaft, Rottenburg, Germany
10.20am Phytopharma - overview worldwide situation
  Fernando Quezada, Biotechnology Center of Excellence Corporation, Waltham, USA
10.40am Wild collections of plants: economic relevance, value chains and synergies for sustainable rural development
  Prof. Dr. Rainer Luick, Hochschule für Forstwissenschaft, Rottenburg, Germany
11.00am Perspectives/Impressions of the collectors of wild plants
  Joanna Sucholas, Hochschule für Forstwissenschaft, Rottenburg, Germany and
  Ass. Prof. Dr. Florin Pacurar, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania
11.20am  Coffee break
11.50am From herbal medicinal plants to herbal medicinal products – opportunities and limitations - A view from industry -

Dr. Sabrina Weisenburger, Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. KG, Karlsruhe, Germany

12.10pm Holistic approach for a pharmaceutical raw material quality
  Ralf Kunert, naturamus GmbH, Aichelberg, Germany
12.30pm Ethnopharmacology and the development of new medicines and supplements 
  Prof. Dr. Michael Heinrich, UCL School of Pharmacy, University College London, Great Britain
12.50pm Lunch break
2.00pm Meet & Match in Round Table Discussions
  Table 1: Challenges of Clusters and Businesses in transnational Phytopharma sector
  Moderator: Dr. Gerd Meier zu Köcker, ClusterAgentur Baden-Württemberg, Germany
  1st Impulse from Romania: Dr. Alexandra Liana Vișan, National Institute of Research – Development for machines

and installations designed to agriculture and food industry

  Table 2: Internationalisation of Science within the Phytopharma sector
  Moderator: Dr. Gunnar Grah, Baden-Württemberg International, Germany
  1st Impulse from Czech Republic: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eva Kmoníčková, Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles Univ.,

Dept. Pharmacology and Toxicology

3.30pm Coffe break
  including time for a first networking and discussions of further steps for creating Danube-wide value chains
4.15pm Wrap up & Outlook
  with a presentation of a graphical summary




Thank you for your interest in our event but registration is closed now.

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Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/events/past-events/phytopharma-day