As a company that comes under the auspices of the Baden-Württemberg government, BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg aims to drive forward the transformation of the economy and society in order to put Baden-Württemberg in a position to achieve sustainable success as a business and healthcare location. In so doing, we want to make an important contribution to Baden-Württemberg’s future viability.
As a state agency, BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH supports the transformation of the economy and society by focusing on the healthcare industry. We are working on this in close coordination with ministries, industry and research. The ambitious aim is to embolden players to completely rethink what they are doing with the overall goal of applying future-oriented technologies, adopting efficient processes and creating a strong, profitable network of those involved. Based on strong applied research, this should strengthen Baden-Württemberg as a business location and bring benefits far beyond the state's borders for consumers, patients and companies.
BIOPRO's actions are driven by existing needs and requirements in the areas of healthcare and sustainability. The market, society and politics must be encouraged to rethink, i.e. be transformed - together and in a networked manner.
Core issues in the area of healthcare are the biologisation and digitalisation of the healthcare industry from development to production and supply. This is all firmly aimed at benefiting patients. However, BIOPRO's work also includes offering support for meeting regulatory requirements at the local, national and international level.
Although BIOPRO's structure has evolved in recent years from a start-up to an established company with 25 employees, the mentality has changed very little. We still work in an agile and flexible manner to meet current challenges. The BIOPRO team can react quickly to trends. This enables BIOPRO to act as a catalyst in its projects and to implement individual measures quickly and effectively to support the strategic goal of transforming the economy and triggering social change.