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This is what we can offer you

Start-up support

Setting up an independent company is an excellent opportunity to turn innovative ideas into marketable products and services. As a professional partner and expert in life sciences company foundations, we offer a comprehensive support service.

The following options are available:

  • Initial consultation (funded through EXI Start-up Voucher)
  • Basic package consultation/special start-up coaching (fundable through EXI Start-up Voucher)
  • Business plan check
  • Funding consultation
  • Pitch training and tips on capital procurement
  • Specific support in capital procurement for academic drug discovery projects as part of BWCADD
  • Marketing support, increasing your visibility
  • Cooperation inititiatives
  • Guide 'Wegweiser Regulatorik Gesundheitswirtschaft' (only available in German)
  • General information on location, infrastructure and the healthcare industry sector

EXI Start-up Voucher: Together with our partner, Steinbeis-Beratungszentrum Existenzgründung, we offer a multistage consultation package for people interested in setting up their own company/company founders in high-tech areas. Initial consultation, which is available free of charge, helps to accurately assess the viability of a project. Founders with promising business ideas will subsequently be offered basis package consultation and special start-up coaching. Detailed information about the EXI Start-up Voucher is available here.

Exciting Start-ups from BW

  • Pipetting robot for academic research - 28/08/2024

    Repetitive tasks that researchers have to conduct in the lab tend to be tiring and often lead to errors. Precise pipetting is crucial for achieving reproducible results. Automation is underrepresented in research labs and existing pipetting robots are unsuitable for scientists. This is why Dr. Julius Wiener, Tobias Zundel and Oliver Brunner decided to found the company goodBot GmbH and develop a pipetting robot tailored to academic research.

  • Tablet-based diagnostics - 12/04/2023

    Neuropsychiatric disorders are often diagnosed late and have a negative impact on quality of life. Diagnosing the disease at an early stage is vital to be able to help those affected by offering them treatment adapted to their specific requirements. This is what the TuCAN project in Tübingen aims to achieve through the early and differential diagnosis of neuropsychiatric disorders.

Selected press releases

  • Press release - 05/03/2024

    Applying and developing new technologies for DNA synthesis to pave the way for producing entire artificial genomes – that is the goal of a new interdisciplinary center, 'Center for Synthetic Genomics', that is being established at Heidelberg University, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), and Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU).

  • Press release - 16/08/2021

    As a dominant part of southern Germany’s life-science industry hub, Heidelberg will soon have a life-science startup incubator of its own. BioLabs, the premier US network of managed co-working lab space, will open its first German branch in the Heidelberg Innovation Park (hip). On August 16, representatives of city and state governments, BioLabs and the life-science industry celebrated the Heidelberg BioLabs groundbreaking.

Website address: https://www.bio-pro.de/en/activities/start-up-support